Fowler Helsel Vogt Releases eBook on Spinal Cord Injuries

Many lives are impacted each day due to spinal cord injuries (SCI). Whether an individual sustains an SCI in a car crash, in a slip-and-fall accident, or from an act of violence, the impacts on a person’s life can be endless.

Our attorneys are dedicated to being a trusted legal resource for survivors of catastrophic injuries and their family members. We’d like to announce our newly released eBook that you can access from your smartphone or laptop computer.

In this guide, you will find all the information you need to know about spinal cord injuries, including:

  • Prevalence of these injuries

  • Various types of injury

  • Common causes

  • Long-term physical complications

  • How family life is impacted

  • How to pursue compensation

Turn to Our Firm for Help

We hope you gain valuable insight from this resource. If you have any other questions regarding your injury case, please don’t hesitate to reach out to Fowler Helsel Vogt for assistance. Catastrophic injuries such as spinal cord injuries require lifelong medical bills and can impact the quality of life for survivors and their families.

At Fowler Helsel Vogt, our spinal cord injury attorneys have represented countless victims of these injuries and their families. Our compassionate legal team is here to take the burden off of your shoulders so you and your family can focus on healing together.

Contact Fowler Helsel Vogt at (559) 900-1280 or fill out our online contact form to get started on your case.

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