How Effective Are Motorcycle Helmets?

motorcycle rider taking off helmet

Motorcycle helmets are a legal requirement for motorcycle riders in California. Because of this rule, many people may be under the impression that helmets can completely protect riders in the event of an accident. But in reality, how effective are these pieces of safety equipment?

Breaking Down the Statistics

According to the Insurance Institute for Highway Safety (IIHS), motorcycle helmets are about:

  • 37 percent effective in preventing rider deaths

  • 67 percent effective in preventing brain injuries

It’s no doubt that helmets save many lives and prevent injuries when riders wear them. It’s important to also remember, however, that they are not a guarantee of coming out of a collision injury-free.

The helmet only protects a rider’s head and skull, meaning that the entire rest of their body is still completely vulnerable to injuries like

  • Burns

  • Neck injuries

  • Spinal cord injuries

  • Broken bones

  • Nerve damage

  • Internal bleeding

  • Organ damage

Additionally, head and brain injuries are still absolutely a possibility, even if a helmet is worn. For instance, if a rider is thrown from their bike and hits the ground many feet ahead, their head can still be injured by the force of impact, even with a helmet on.

Some drivers may be less inclined to drive with vigilance because a rider is wearing a helmet because they believe the rider is safe. Or, in the event that an accident occurs between a driver and a rider, the driver may believe that the rider is responsible for their injuries because they were not wearing a helmet at the time of the crash.

However, wearing a helmet does not impact liability and is not a guarantee that a rider will not sustain injuries. In fact, a majority of riders actually do wear helmets, yet a majority of riders also still sustain injuries when accidents occur.

Injured in a Motorcycle Accident?

You shouldn’t have to foot the bill for your medical expenses when your accident and injury were caused by another person’s negligent accidents. Those injured in motorcycle accidents should not hesitate to pursue compensation for their injuries.

Medical expenses can rack up fast, especially for catastrophic injuries associated with these accidents. You want to make sure that you don’t settle for less than what your case is worth. This way, you aren’t having to pay out-of-pocket expenses down the line. Our legal team at Fowler Helsel Vogt is here to stand in your corner during these trying times.

Contact our Fresno motorcycle accident attorneys at (559) 900-1280 to get started on your case.

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